Enabling young people to achieve their potential

We are The Crosslane Foundation

The Crosslane Foundation is a charity which has the aim of raising funds to provide young people with opportunities that enable them to achieve their true potential.

This is based on expanding the educational horizons of young people to unlock their talents and abilities through personal development, skills attainment, learning and self-belief, enabling them to fulfil possibilities that the usual system may otherwise fail to identify, nurture, encourage and develop. We deliver this aim through initiatives with specialist professionals, supporting a number of other programmes and established charities.

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Current projects

The Lowry Centre Trust

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CW Football Academy

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Case study

Kasupe, Malawi

Kasupe aims to advance education, reduce poverty, improve skills and promote good health in Malawi, East Africa. Initiatives are also designed to benefit the wider community through sustainable enterprises.

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Achievements to date

6 Years

enabling young people to achieve their potential


raised to date


young people directly benefitting from our projects

Help us make a real difference to young people who need it…

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